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Supporting the College Dream for the Next Generation

Supporting the College Dream for the Next Generation

Having recently updated their will, Lisa and Steve Sethre-Hofstad began thinking about what institutions really made an impact on their life. Concordia quickly came to mind. For the couple, it was an easy decision to include the college in their will.

Concordia has given the Sethre-Hofstads more than an education. As students, they gained confidence, critical thinking skills and the ability to address world needs from multiple perspectives. The couple played in the Concordia Band, which nurtured their great love and appreciation for music. The smell of a Greyhound bus still conjures up memories of music tours during their Concordia days.

The couple loved their own college experience and believe those years are an important time in everyone's life to be able to grow and develop.

That sentiment has grown stronger as Lisa is now Associate Dean of the college. Every day she sees the value in a Concordia experience as current students are transformed by their learning and through the relationships that develop with faculty and peers.

"We value education and the doors it opens for people, so we want to do our part to keep the Concordia College dream alive for the next generation," Lisa says.

Create Your Concordia Legacy

Make a lasting impact by making a planned gift through your estate. There are many ways to make a lasting impact by making a planned gift through your estate. Contact Trina Hall at 218.299.3445 or [email protected] today, to learn more.

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